15 Tips on How to Use a Sauna

Watery Fat and Cellulite deposits begin breaking up into smaller water clusters as your core body temperature reaches approximately 100.5 degrees F. When you first begin to use your infrared sauna, start slowly. After you begin to break a sweat, a 20 -30 minute session is recommended. Once they become acclimated to infrared heat, users average 25-45 minute sessions. Two sessions per day is permissible if you are working on a specific therapy goal.
Wait at least 1 – 2 hours after eating before beginning a far infrared sauna session.
When you first begin to use your infrared sauna, start slowly. After you begin to break a sweat, a 20 -30 minute session is recommended. Once they become acclimated to infrared heat, users average 25-45 minute sessions. Two sessions per day is permissible if you are working on a specific therapy goal.
Stay Hydrated! A good rule of thumb is to divide your body weight by two and drink a minimum of that many ounces of water on a daily basis. (160 lbs. divided by 2 = 80 ounces of water or eight 10 ounce glasses of water, daily. Drink plenty of good water before, during and after your sauna routine.
You may not sweat a lot during your first 2-3 sauna sessions. This is normal for many people, as they haven’t had a recent history of sweating.
Take care not to overheat during your first few sessions. If you feel lightheaded, have a queasy stomach, or start to get a headache, terminate session immediately. As the body continues to adjust, sweating can increase dramatically and body temperature regulation becomes more effective.
An increase in heart beat of up to 30% above the resting pulse is generally considered safe, unless a medical or heart condition requires keeping your pulse rate lower.
Body temperature should not be allowed to rise above 102 degrees F. Moderate sauna use is safe for most older people, but diabetics and anyone being treated for heart or circulatory conditions should check with their doctor, particularly if taking medication.
Watery Fat and Cellulite deposits begin breaking up into smaller water clusters as your core body temperature reaches approximately 100.5 degrees F.
If sauna cabin temperature becomes too hot for your comfort, or the cabin becomes ‘stuffy’, you may slide open the ceiling vent to or, just open the door for a minute or so, to let some fresh air inside.
Sauna Apparel. Lightweight shorts and tee shirt are ok. Swim suits are better. “Birthday Suit” is fine, too.
Place layers of towels on the bench seat to absorb perspiration during your session. Far infrared will penetrate clothing and towels.
By Stretching your arms, legs, neck, back area,etc. during your far infrared sauna session you can achieve increased body flexibility, range of motion, and reduce chronic stiffness and problem areas. Massage congested and “knotty” muscle areas.
If you feel the beginning of cold or flu symptoms, use your infrared sauna 2-3 times per day/ 20 – 30 minute sessions. By inducing hyperthermia, you can strengthen your immune system. In many instances, frequent far infrared sauna sessions will eliminate your cold and flu symptoms completely in a day or so.
When you finish your sauna session, it is important to relax and cool down while your body continues to perspire. Then take a shower.
Sauna bookings and availability can be found by emailing Info@CapitalPsychotherapy.com
It is recommended that clients consult with their primary care physician before utilizing the infrared sauna services.
Clients are required to complete an Infrared Sauna Informed Consent Form (located at: https://www.capitalpsychotherapy.com/pdf-viewer) before use.